Tracker Suite
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Ashley Admin
Boris Beancounter
Carlos Computer
Hannah H.R.
Joe User
Mark Manager
Moses Marketer
Pablo Purchaser
Patty Payroll
Sally Sales
Applicant Tracker
Boris Beancounter

You've got problems? Hah!

Well when you work in human resources- EVERYBODY's problems are YOUR problems.

My office sits in a No Man's Land between administration and staff. If our vice president wants to know why a project is off track, guess who gets the call? If one of the project staff gets upset about an evaluation, wonder who finds an angry e-mail in her box?

I have enough work on my hands wrangling employee conflicts. I don't need to get bogged down with paperwork and file management. Fortunately, Tracker Suite's taken most of that off my hands.

The applications and features I've found most useful are:

Personnel TrackerPersonnel Tracker - Personnel Tracker is great because it provides me with one central location where I can maintain and track all of our employee files. This database contains all of the names, addresses, and personal information we need to have on hand. I update person documents as required with employee and company address & phone data. I maintain person documents with employee information including supervisor, position, Tracker Products the person is authorized to use, and approval limits. I also maintain all required Profile Documents.

Project TrackerProject Tracker - Project Tracker allows me to keep an eye on how things are developing among our project teams and to keep tabs on the general direction of our business. As I look at our activities in this tool, I am able to make sure our that our teams and talents are appropriately allocated. With it I maintain billing rates and make sure that information is accurate for employees assigned to tasks.

Applicant TrackerApplicant Tracker - This is the perfect applicant management tool. Not only does it store all of our job postings in one place, but it also facilitates the entire hiring process. I am able to evaluate references, to schedule interviews, and manage the entire hiring and orientation process. It really facilitates our H.R. processes from front to back. With Applicant Tracker I can maintain all of our job postings and make sure that we're advertising the right positions in the right places. When we receive applications, I need to maintain all files, including resumes, cover letters, etc. After we check an applicant's references, I use it to schedule the interview and ensure that all of the records from the interview are in place. If the person is hired, I need to make sure that they complete the orientation process.

Evaluation TrackerEvaluation Tracker - Evaluation Tracker is the perfect tool for creating and tracking our employee evaluations. Not only does it provide the security we need to maintain the integrity of the evaluation process, but it also takes care of all approval routing automatically. Therefore, we don't lose written records of the review and confidential documents will not end up in the wrong hands. It also allows us to create templates based upon position, so that we can be sure that we consistently apply the same standards across our organization. It's up to me to file completed, signed evaluations in our employees' files for permanent record keeping.

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