Tracker Suite
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Ashley Admin
Boris Beancounter
Carlos Computer
Hannah H.R.
Joe User
Mark Manager
Moses Marketer
Pablo Purchaser
Patty Payroll
Sally Sales
Applicant Tracker
Ashley Admin


My time is money. More accurately, my company's money.

I don't like wasting time, and with my job, I can't afford to. I have to stay on top of all aspects of our business: projects, finances, personnel- you name it, I've got to know it. It was always a struggle- I had to sift through mountains of files for reports and customer information, chase people down for status reports, and keep track of billing and expenses. But last year, when Bizco got into trouble, it got worse. I was breaking my back just to keep up with the week before!

Then Tracker Suite came along. Now I have tools that automatically gather and store the information I need! No more running around, no more confusing paper trails. Up to date information about what I need to know is right here, whenever I need it. Now I know what's going on in my company. Now I can do my job.

My Flash presentation might help you understand Tracker's impact on my job better. I can tell you how Tracker streamlined the administration processes at Bizco.. The presentation appears in a new window, so I'll still be here (hard at work!) if you need me.

The applications I've found the most use for are:

Personnel TrackerPersonnel Tracker - I have a tough time remembering faces and names, much less memorizing everyone's phone extension! With Personnel Tracker, I always have quick access to an organized, up-to-date directory for our entire organization.

Customer TrackerCustomer Tracker - With Customer Tracker, I am able to keep track of and coordinate all of the outstanding customer service issues and make sure that all of our clients are getting the service they deserve.

Project TrackerProject Tracker - I'm expected to know everything about my company; who's working on what projects, when they'll be finished, etc. Project Tracker allows me to view all of the projects in my organization, both from a high level perspective as well as down to each individual's tasks and due dates. This tool really allows me to keep track of all the details. I use Project Tracker to ensure that we maintain billing rates and that information is accurate for employees assigned to tasks. I also send reminders to complete status reports and e-mail project exception reports.

Tracker ReportsTracker Reports - Not only does Tracker Reports simplify the billing process, but it also allows me to access the financial status of each project in the pipeline. Therefore, I always know where things stand when talking to clients about the status of their projects and accounts.

Time, Expense, and Purchase TrackerTime Tracker/ Expense Tracker / Purchase Tracker - These online forms are great. Filling them out and submitting them is quick, and because routing is automatic, I can trust that they'll always get to the person who needs to process them.

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