Tracker Suite
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Grab some popcorn and watch our TrackerSuite applications at work! These movies were created with Lotus Screencam, all you need to do is click the link to download the file. The movies run themselves- you don't need an external viewer!

Applicant Tracker screencam Applicant Tracker Project Tracker Flash presentation Project Tracker (A Flash presentation!)
Asset Tracker screencam Asset Tracker Prospect Tracker screencam Prospect Tracker
Customer Tracker screencam Customer Tracker Support Tracker screencam Support Tracker
Data Warehouse screencam Data Warehouse Time Tracker screencam Time Tracker
Expense Tracker screencam Expense Tracker Tracker Mail screencam Tracker Mail
Personnel Tracker screencam Personnel Tracker Tracker Reports screencam Tracker Reports
Purchase Tracker screencam Purchase Tracker Purchase Tracker screencam WebSite Tracker