Tracker Suite
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Lotus Notes Software - Tracker Suite - Asset Tracker

Streamline and regulate your asset deployment with Asset Tracker. Now integrated with Personnel Tracker, this application catalogues and tracks each and every asset in your organization: hardware, software, telephones, furniture, door keys, even IP addresses. Asset Tracker also contains the assignments, histories, dollar values, and identification codes of your properties. All of this information is centralized, easily maintained, and presented in a variety of useful formats.

Roles & Responsibilities Flowcharts Screencams
Provides a management environment for all assets within your business

Provides a single point of reference for: Hardware, Software, Telephony, Media, Facilities, IP Addresses, Furniture, even Door keys

Allows quick access to status reports concerning each individual asset, along with roll up reports for all of your business' assets
Provides tracking for assignments, repair and maintenance histories, and for depreciation

Integrates with Purchase Tracker for a complete purchasing to asset management workflow environment