Tracker Suite
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In 1994 Automation Centre, a privately held company, began providing computer products and services to consulting organizations, with a special focus on technology companies. We recognized that an environment of rapidly changing market conditions and scarce skilled human resources mandated streamlined business processes. We helped our clients accomplish this by re-engineering and automating service chain processes within their businesses. In the course of our work, we developed an application framework that produces a highly responsive management and workflow environment, one which automates the sales delivery and measurements processes of the service organization. These front-office applications are marketed under the trademark Tracker Suite and Tracker Office, and are based on Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange platforms, respectively. We are currently releasing new products every six months.

Today in business, where people make the difference, Automation Centre makes the difference for people. Our Tracker software automates the many necessary activities (called the service value chain or simply the service chain) for delivering professional services to customers. Tracker software leverages the installed base and user skills of the most popular e-mail platforms (As of December 2000 Lotus Notes had 78 million seats, and in October 2001, Microsoft Exchange had 94 million seats), resulting in zero impact on an organization’s computer footprint and near zero training for users of Lotus Notes and MS Exchange Outlook. Automation Centre ’s enterprise product, Tracker Suite, consists of several modular software applications that dramatically increase a company’s workforce productivity. Tracker Suite automates service chain processes such as project management, time reporting, expense tracking, contact management, and employee hiring. Tracker Suite also selectively and securely distributes information to users, via e-mail and the World Wide Web. Information such as new sales leads, new resumes, status reports, meeting reminders and job cost reports enables service workers to do their jobs more effectively and more profitably. Among our more than 200 customers from around the globe are some of the most outstanding members of the Fortune 1000, including 3M, Philips Consumer Electronics, DuPont, General Motors, and The Coca-Cola-Company.